When looking for ways to minimize the page. Compressor like any old command line for those of us not. Window Batch file to call the YUI Compressor from command line.
Batch file and YUI Compressor - Stack Overflow The command for use YUI is : java -jar yuicompressor. Batch compress all files in a folder with YUI Compressor Patrick. Minify JS and CSS files in batch with drag-and-drop- m. YUI Compressor does not accept wildcard parameters, so I cannot run it.
Web Reflection: YUI Compressor Meets The Batch Scripting. Try this but specify the path of yuicompressor. I ve recently read up on the importance of site performance for search engine optimisation (SEO).
Using YUI Compressor to compress your website CSS and JS files.
How to automate JavaScript files compression with YUI Compressor. The other day I covered how to use YUI. is saying that this year (2010) it may. How to use the YUI compressor Chris Barr. This version contains mostly updates related to Compressor s handling of CSS minification and introduces batch processing of multiple files.
I can always run my batch from the folder where all the.js files are.